I budgeted $45 a table for floral arranged centerpieces. I did a lot of research and thought I had the perfect arrangement for my money... but then I ran into Joann. Joann's fabric to be precise!
I'm just wandering the isles and I come across the candles. Immediately I can't take my eyes off of this box. I have no cart with me, as I only went in for one item.
I see that there's three boxes and say "wouldn't that make for a cute centerpiece?!" Cue lightbulb, fairy dust, and angels singing!! I see that it is on sale for 60% off the sales ticket!!
Whoosh! I break out my iPhone(um I probably could have done the math mentally...but don't judge me!)
The original price was $20, and I could have it for $8!! SCORE!! So awesome. I love them. I bought everything on their shelves and then called a few more stores to have them put aside the rest of their stock for me :D
I just saved $37 a table!!
The problem that we encountered was that we could only find enough for 10 tables. So what do we do??? Looking around, I found this cute candle holders that were also 60% off. The little ones were $2, and the larger ones were $4. So, the look of the tree and the leaves will be staggered.
I am totally proud of how frugal I am :)